Release, Refine, Repeat

Do you ever feel as though you’re carrying 50 tons on your back? As though the weight of the world is on your shoulders?

I mean who wouldn’t with work responsibilities, working from home, kids, kid’s sports (that alone would do it), cooking, cleaning, trying to fit in exercise, walking the dog - the list goes on and on and on…

This week’s super full moon reminded me of something I learned in a psychology class in college. In a nutshell he said we go through life picking things up and putting them in a bag we carry around with us at all times. This can be comments, people, anything. The uplifting things don’t weigh much, but the things and people that give us a negative feeling are heavy and weigh us down. So from time to time we just need to empty the shit from our bag (that part was directly from the professor as I still remember laughing out loud when he said it).

I like to use the phrase, Release, Refine, and Repeat.

Release anything that’s weighing you down. Maybe it’s a critical message you heard as a kid that still creeps up. Maybe it’s a routine that isn’t making you feel your best. Whatever it is, let it go. Empty the negative from your bag.

Then look over what’s going well for you or what you see has potential to go well. Refine it. Check in with your intuition and see what can be improved.

Keep doing both of these things as often as needed. You’ll be seeing me do these so stay tuned in the Facebook group The Wellness Office.

 I’m here for you. Reply to this email if you need some help identifying what to release and refine.

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